The Hotel Duane is a 15-story hotel building containing 150 rooms constructed in 1925/26. The architect was Andrew J. Thomas, better known for his work on the "garden apartments" in Jackson Heights, Queens.
An earlier version of this sign is found on the New York Public Library's Digital Collections in a photo taken by photographer Ewing Galloway ca. 1930. At that time the sign read, "The Duane / 1-2 Room Suites / [somthing] / Restaurant."
The Hotel Duane ran from 1925/26 to 1965, when it was re-named the Hotel Executive. In 1984 it was re-named again, this time Morgans New York Hotel. More about Morgans can be found at their website
This ad for the Duane Hotel appeared in the New York Times, 12 Nov. 1933, p. X2. In 1941 a single room started at $50 a month. In 1943 there was dining and dancing with the Bert Mann trio featuring Jean Loach. In 1959 there was a Special: Bath, Shower, Radio for $29 a week.
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