The Hollander Co. (click for detail), manufacturer of ladies' underwear, moved into this building at 44 W. 28th St. in 1913. The Hollanders were Oscar Hollander (1874-192?) (pres.), Edwin Hollander (1868-?) (vice pres.) and Lewis Edgar Hollander (1889-1968) (sec.). Oscar and Edwin were brothers, and Lewis a nephew (son of an older brother, Joseph L. Hollander). All were native New Yorkers. Oscar Hollander seems to have died in the early 1920s. Polk's New York City directories for 1922-23 and 1925 list only Lewis and Edwin as officers in the company. The Hollander Co. stayed in business at this address for some 15 years, then closed around 1928. Edwin Hollander appears in the U. S. Census of 1930 living on West End Ave. and citing employment as "Manager, Factory." In the same census Lewis Hollander was living in Woodmere, Long Island, and working as a "Merchant, Oil Burners."
Ideal Pleating (click for detail) was located at 44 W. 28th St. for fifty years, from around 1923 until the early 1970s. This was the family business of Löbel (sometimes written Lobl) Frischer and his many, many sons. The U. S. Census of 1920 lists Frischer living at 3 East 106th St. with 6 sons, 5 of whom were working at the pleating factory: Joseph 28, Max 23, Harry 23, Nathan 22, and Charles 20. The family also includes Frischer's wife, Rose, a daughter, Ray 14 and another son, Maurice 12. All are listed as born in Austria. Löbel and Joseph immigrated in 1908, the others in 1910. All became naturalized citizens (except Rose) in 1917. An older son, Samuel, does not appear in this census, but would have been 29 in 1920.
And it is Samuel Frischer who became president of Ideal Pleating by 1925. Joseph, Max and Charles are listed in Polk's New York City Directory of that year as vice-pres., sec. and treas. respectively. In the U. S. Census of 1930 Samuel, Joseph, Harry and Nathan appear, all living separately with their own families. Samuel lists his country of origin as Poland. The Frischers were actually born in Krakow, which before World War I belonged to the Austrian Empire. The modern state of Poland assumed control after the war.
Ideal Pleating left this location around 1972/73 (moved to 320 W. 13th St.) and then left New York in the early 1980s for North Bergen, N. J.
Higher on this wall is S Gluck & Weingold / Furriers (click for detail). This was a partnership between Samuel Gluck (1881-?) and Harris Weingold (1873-1937), manufacturing furriers. They were in business together from around 1910 to 1934, and they were located here from 1917 to 1926. Samuel Gluck was an immigrant from Hungary in the 1890s. He registered for the World War I draft in 1918 while living on E. 163rd St. in the Bronx and employed at S. Gluck & Weingold, 44 W. 28th St., New York, NY. Harris Weingold immigrated from the Ukraine in 1901. His passport application in 1922 states that he was born 12 July 1873 in Odessa, that he emigrated 30 June 1901, and that he became a naturalized citizen 23 June 1921. He asked that the passport be sent to Harris Weingold, 44 West 28th St., New York, NY. On the dissolution of the Gluck & Weingold partnership, both men continued as furriers with separate businesses. There was an S. Gluck & Co. in New York from 1935 to 1970. An undated photo by the Wurts Bros. shows an S. Gluck & sign on the building at 352-354 7th Ave. (with entrance also at 204-206 W. 30th St.). S. Gluck & Weingold were located here from 1927 to 1935. Then S. Gluck & Co. were here until 1954. The Wurts Bros. photo can be seen on the New York Public Library's Digital Collections.
Harris Weingold & Son ran from 1935 to 1952. The original son at Harris Weingold & Son was Joseph T. Weingold (1904-1987), but at least one other son involved in the business was Martin B. Weingold (1910-2003). Yet another son was Pincus Weingold (1894-1959). Pincus was Harris Weingold's son by his first marriage and was born in Ukraine. Joseph T. Weingold and Martin B. Weingold were sons from a second marriage and born in New York. Pincus Weingold was employed at S. Gluck & Weingold in 1917 when he registered for the World War I draft. From around 1921 to 1934 Pincus had his own company, Pincus Weingold & Co.
New residential housing along 6th Ave. threatens to destroy the view of these signs as of May 2003.
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