Master Cutting Table have been located at this address from 1962/63.
They buy and sell gold stampers, Rossley button and wire stitchers, framing machines, foot presses, cementers, clicker blocks... Click here for sign on door.
In 2004 I got this shot of the Master Cutting pickup truck with a side panel proclaiming "Our 50th Year!"
This photo was taken through the grating at the ground floor level in Oct. 2007, while posted flyers announced Store for Rent / Whole Building for Rent. By this time the signs in the second floor windows had been removed. What with the wholesale devastation of nearby 6th Ave., one suspects that the building is due for demolition soon... But no! Master Cutting Table has had a reprieve! This from Pamela Ross in Dec. 2008: "Just wanted to let you know that the business, MASTER CUTTING TABLE, located at 50 WEST 27th STREET, NYC, is alive and well-- "
Click here for Master Cutting Table ad with telephone number ALgonquin 4-2781 (as listed in the Manhattan Telephone Directory until the late 1970s when the AL became 25).
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