Martha Washington
The Martha Washington Hotel, 29 E. 29th St. between Madison and Park Ave. South (1987)

The Martha Washington Hotel was built in 1902 (opened on March 2, 1903) as a hotel for women.
But (as the sign says) men could eat in the restaurant.

It had entrances at 29 East 29 and 30 East 30, and had 416 rooms.
The current (as of August 2003) hotel in this building calls itself Hotel Thirty Thirty with its entrance at 30 E. 30.

Click here for Manger Hotels ad (from 1933/4) that includes The Martha Washington. An earlier Manger ad (from 1925) mentions lower rates ($1.50 daily, with an extra 50 cents for the private bath). Things had changed rather dramatically by 1988 when this ad appeared in the New York Times.

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